YUGO MIssion Trip

This summer we will be going to Ensenada Mexico through YUGO ministries to build a house for the Rojas family. This family has dedicated their lives to serving YUGO, and we are excited to partner alongside them in their missions work. If you’d like more info on how to support, contact glenda.atkins@gmail.com



The Grove sends 10% of our general giving to missions that we partner with. Our Missions Team regularly communicates with and prays for each of the ministries that we support. For more information on our team or the selection process, please contact the missions team leader.

Our missions team also plans the Monthly Missions Meal, which is served once a month after service and is free to all, but donations are given to the highlighted ministry of the month.

  • Christ In Youth is an organization that trains and equips students to be Kingdom Workers. They do this through events all over the world—from Middle and High School conferences, to domestic and international missions trips. CIY meets students where they are and helps them live boldly for Christ. Our student ministry works closely with CIY, and we have seen many lives impacted through their programs.

  • Love INC mobilizes local Churches to meet the needs of people by partnering with volunteers to help bridge the gap between helping hands and people in need. Through their ministry, they seek to transform lives through the love of Christ. The Grove works with Love INC to help people who come to us in need of assistance. Love INC is also a great resource for finding ways to serve people in our community.

  • Waypoint helps churches understand where they are and where they’re headed in their journey to accomplish their God-given mission. Waypoint primarily focuses in Virginia and North Carolina. They plant brand new churches and also provide special training and seminars for existing churches. Waypoint Church Partners is all about serving the local church, and so far in 2017, they have planted 4 new Churches.

  • Mid-atlanticchristian university

    Mid-Atlantic Christian University is an institution of Christian higher education whose mission is to impact the world by transforming ordinary people into extraordinary Christian leaders.

  • Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches. The Pioneers has members serving 207 unreached people groups. Maple Grove specifically sponsors John and Hannah Malone through Pioneers. John and Hannah are preparing to work with Muslims in the French-speaking Arab world.

  • ANM is a US-based agency headquartered in Afton, VA, called to seek out, evaluate, and equip native mission groups throughout the world. ANM partners with native missionaries, helping them to reach people in their surrounding regions with the Gospel. ANM is a bridge between the native missionaries in the field and Christians in the West. ANM has many opportunities to serve and/or to go on missions trips.

  • MMS is a non-denominational mission school located in the beautiful coal mining area of Southwest Virginia. The school serves infants through high school as their home, their church, and their school. Children are often referred due to issues of poverty, divorce, abandonment, abuse, or neglect. MMS currently houses 250 children. Over 20,000 children have been blessed since their founding!

  • Thrive is a pro-life ministry that provides many services to help with unplanned pregnancies. Kathy Brown is the executive director, however, the majority of the jobs are done with an army of volunteers. They provide free medical services (including ultrasound), counseling, educational classes for families. There are post-abortion recovery programs and Bible studies offered to heal and love our families. Since its beginning in the 1980s, it has grown to 4 locations. There is an annual Walk For Life to help raise funds, and many other volunteer opportunities.